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Run Yourself to Better Health

Run Yourself to Better Health

Some say that we were born to run, and as a child it comes so naturally, Yet in later life running for many people is more of a chore and its although we have forgotten how to do it. Let’s face it, how many times, when seeing a runner go speeding past you have you thought about your New Year’s resolution? How many times did you say “I’ll start tomorrow”? And then inevitably, at 6 pm after a long day at work, the couch looks far more attractive than putting on your running gear and taking to the road.

Don’t let these excuses bring you down again. If you’re planning to change your health habits for the better, running can be easy and accessible even for beginners. Everybody can do it and it doesn’t have to cost you a fortune.

Running can be a great way to stay Fit-2-Work! Just follow these 10 simple rules to improve your health and have fun whilst you run!


1. Don’t use your usual trainers

This doesn’t mean that you have to buy the latest or a super expensive pair, but if they’re called running shoes this must be the case for a reason, right? Especially for beginners who’s bodies may have to get used to running, its important that your joints and feet are protected. If you’re unsure about which pair you should get, just go to any running shops and get some advice. Specialist shops will give you the chance to try your trainers on the treadmill so that you know exactly what you’re buying.

2. Always warm up well

Try to avoid running too fast straight away, but always remember to start with a moderate jog for at least 3 to 5 minutes. This way, your body knows that you’re about to start some sort of physical activity and you’ll reduce any potential injury. The same thing applies when you finish, don’t just stop running abruptly but gradually cool down and go back to a moderate pace jog or walk.

3. Run step by step

Especially at the beginning, it’s perfectly normal that you feel breathless and tired after just a few minutes of running. The best thing that you can do is taking it step by step and progress gradually until you’ll find your pace and rhythm. This way, you’ll steadily start running longer distance without putting too much stress on your body.


4. Focus on your breathing

Breathing difficulty and side stitches are common problems when running, especially for beginners, and there are many theories regarding the best practice for both. The best piece of advice is not to force or change your breathing but try to do what comes naturally. The trick is to inhale deeply through your mouth or nose so that maximum air can reach your lungs more easily. Try to find a rhythmic breathing pattern so that you can breathe in harmony with your pace. As for side stitches, they tend to be associated with muscle fatigue or nutrition. As long as you are constant with your workout and your condition improves, side stitches should decrease too.

5. Stay positive

The important thing is that you don’t give up and that you stay positive at all times. As with any other sport, running can be a bit of a roller coaster. You’ll have some bad days when you’ll feel too tired or demotivated. Just keep running and don’t compare yourself to anyone else. Remember that everyone is different so just be patient and focus on the progress that you make every day even if each step in your progression might seem small.


6. Find a running buddy

Running with a friend can be the perfect solution if you need someone to give you a little nudge and motivate you when the couch and the fridge scream out your name. Running with a friend is also a perfect distraction when you feel like the pain is too much to handle or when you feel like giving up halfway. Especially at the beginning, running with a mate can help you find your pace, as moderate speed running (jogging) should allow you too run and talk at the same time.

7. Run to the beat

If you prefer to run solo then, listening to music can be both your running buddy and your motivation. Listen to your favorite playlists or if in doubt, Spotify, has a lot of great running hits to keep you motivated and focused during your workout. If you run on the street though, just remember to be mindful of what is going on around you. Safety first!

8. Don’t be scared of the weather

If you wait for the perfect weather condition to run, you’ll probably wait forever. London is famous for its 4 seasons in one day so just accept it and dress for the occasions. As long as you dress in layers and wear breathable fabric you have nothing to worry about.


9. Record your Runs

You don’t need to buy a heart rate monitor or any other expensive gadget to track your progress. Simply download apps such as Runtastic, Runkeeper or Nike+ Running and set your goals. This way you can check your duration, how many calories you’ve burnt, your distance and your average pace. Once you feel like you’re becoming a pro you can consider buying wearable devices such as a Fitbit or Jawbone.

10. Have fun & Enjoy your Run

Last but not the least; enjoy your run! Running is a sort of meditation, a “me time” when you should only think about yourself. Take a deep breath and try to get rid of all the negative and stressful thoughts that crowd your mind. Focus on your run and just listen to your body. Once your brain releases endorphins you’ll feel like you don’t want to stop. So keep this happy thought for your next run!


Remember that everybody is a runner, so what are you waiting for? Lace up your running shoes and just run.

By Daniela @ Fit-2-Work

5 Ways to Guarantee a Healthier Week at Work

5 Ways to Guarantee a Healthier Week at Work

1. Drink More Water

water at workAt any sports interval you will have seen elite athletes grabbing for the water bottle, ok so they do sweat more than we do at work, but it’s a fact that 20% dehydration can result in up to an 80% reduction in performance! and that’s not just in sports. Drinking more water will improve energy levels and quality of sleep, it will increase metabolism and improve the quality of your skin. How? – Keep a glass or water or bottle at your workstation somewhere in sight throughout the day. Every time you see it you’ll remember why it’s there.



2. Eatwell and Feel Great

Healthy Lunch PastaDid you know that the quality of food that you eat will affect how we feel. Everyone knows that fish is ‘brain food’ right… Without getting too sciencey, this is due to the high levels of omega-3 found in fish which have been shown to improve brain volume and ability in memory and cognition.

Even so you don’t have to eat fish every day to perform at optimum, but avoiding saturated fats and junk foods will offset the mid-work slump, which often kicks in after a lunchtime sandwich, pack of crisps, chocolate bar and fizzy drink.

How? – Eating a good wholegrain breakfast each morning and a similar starchy meal at lunch will keep energy levels high and hunger at bay. Snack on fruit and nuts if you’re feeling peckish and remember to drink plenty of water!


3. Help Someone More Than Before

help othersI love my job because I get to help so many people whilst they are at work! Even if you don’t work with the customer or consumer face-to-face as I do, just by doing your job as best as you can and doing it this way every single day your efforts will be having a positive impact on somebodies life. Helping others, is just another term for “giving a great service”, or “doing an outstanding job” such behaviours have been shown to improve satisfaction and happiness at work.



4. Move It… or Lose It!

Old and FitYou’ve all heard this saying before, and its true! for health of our heart, muscles, bones and joints. If in your roll you are sat down for long periods of time, getting up as often as possible to stretch your legs and back is essential for preventing common postural problems such as lower back pain.

If your job involves lots of movement or you are often in problematic postures during your working day, such as bending, leaning and lifting, using the correct technique and taking regular breaks to get yourself into a more natural and comfortable position will help you to avoid injury.

Get more active at work this week to improve your health and prevent injury!


5. Have Fun!

having fun at workHappiness is the foundation of a Healthy Body and a Healthy Mind. So its important to be happy at work. Smile and enjoy your daily tasks as well as the company of your customers and colleagues.


Try these 5 tips today for a Healthier, Happier Week at Work!

Julian @ Fit-2-Work

How to Keep Your New Year’s Health and Fitness Resolution

How to Keep Your New Year’s Health and Fitness Resolution

Your 2016 New Year’s Health and Fitness Resolutions have never been easier to keep.

It’s that time of year when you are no doubt thinking about what changes you’d like to make in your life for 2016. But the chances are at some time in your life you’ve made a New Year’s resolution and then broken it….

This year, stop the cycle of deciding to make change and then not following through. If your resolution is to look better, feel better or move better this year you will have a much better year if your resolution sticks and you achieve your health and fitness goals.

Here are Fit–2–Works 10 tips to make sure that this year’s resolutions stick for you!


  1. Write Your Ticket to Success

People who put their goals on paper are significantly more likely to achieve them than are those who merely make mental vows. As you enter the New Year, write your goals down and keep them somewhere that you will frequently see as a reminder of what you are working to achieve.


  1. Be Honest not Unrealistic

Being unrealistic shows ambition and is a good way to strive to achieve new things, however the surest way to fall short of your goal is to make your goal unattainable. Be honest to yourself and set yourself goals that you can achieve. For instance, deciding to NEVER eat your favourite food again is setting you up to fail. Instead, strive for a goal that is attainable, such as avoiding that food more often.

  1. Plan Ahead

Don’t make your resolution at the last minute, if you wait until the last minute it will be based on your mindset that particular day. Instead, it should be planned well in advance. Don’t worry if you haven’t decided on one yet, take time thinking about exactly what you want from the New Year and give this goal a purpose before you decide to commit to it.

Plan Ahead

  1. Use Temptation Techniques

Decide how you will deal with the temptation to skip that exercise class or have that piece of chocolate. Use techniques such as calling a friend for help, practise positive thinking and self-talk, or reminding yourself how your “bad action” will affect your overall goal.

  1. Spread the Word

Don’t keep your resolution a secret. Tell all of your friends and family members who will be there to support you in changing yourself for the better or improve your health. When your resolution is openly known you are accountable to all who you have told and more likely to see it through.

  1. Buddy Up

Finding a buddy who shares your New Year’s resolutions a great way to stay on track and stay motivated. You can make a vow that you are both accountable to one another and motivate each other towards success.

buddy training

  1. Break It Up

Short-term goals are easier to keep, and each small accomplishment will help to keep you motivated. Make one change at a time rather than trying to do too much too soon. Small changes are the fastest way to long-term sustained change. Instead of focusing on losing 10kg, of dropping multiple dress sizes focus on losing the first 2kg and then the following 2 and so on.

  1. Reward Yourself

This doesn’t mean that you can eat an entire box of chocolates if your resolution is to eat a better diet. Instead, celebrate your success by treating yourself to something you enjoy that doesn’t contradict your resolution. If you have been sticking to your promise to eat better for weight loss, for example, reward yourself with new clothing for your new size.

drop a dress size

  1. Track Your Progress

Keep a food or exercise journal or progress diary to help you stay on track and monitor your progress throughout the year. This is the best way to monitor your achievements as well as any detriments in working towards your goal.

  1. Stick to it and Dont Beat Yourself Up

Obsessing over the occasional slips won’t help you achieve your goal. Do the best you can each day, and take one day at a time. Experts say it takes about 21 days for a new activity to become a habit and six months for it to become part of your personality. It won’t happen overnight, so be patient, persistent and POSTIVE!


Happy New Year, All the best for 2016


The Fit-2-Work Team  

Simple Steps to Less Stress

Simple Steps to Less Stress

44% of the UK population are said to frequently suffer from stress each year, and it is believed that the effects of stress cost the government 10 billion pounds per year. Over 12 million adults in the UK see their GP each year for stress related problems, and the workplace is reported as the most stressful of environments for many busy workers. If you feel stressed at work you’re not alone – 1 in 5 people in the UK feel ‘very or ‘extremely’ stressed by their work and approximately 13.3 million working days are lost per year due to stress and stress related causes.

What’s your Stress Sign?

Stress symptoms can appear in many different ways, and many people experience stress for such a long period of time that these symptoms become the norm.  For some, an increased heart rate or a slight feeling of queasiness is enough to let them know they’re getting anxious or overwhelmed. Even the smallest of things can raise your blood pressure quickly, or have you pulling your hair out anxiously. Headaches, lack of sleep, changes to the food that you eat and use of alcohol and cigarettes are commonly associated with stress.

Try your best to stress-less as you have the power to reset these feelings almost instantly.


When we’re stressed, hormones like cortisol flood our systems, producing the “fight or flight response” in which our heart rate goes up, we breathe more heavily (as the body requires more oxygen) and our blood vessels constrict.

While for our cavemen ancestors the increased blood flow to our heart and muscles helped us escape from predators and dangerous situations, we find ourselves in a very different position now. Our bodies can’t tell the difference between an approaching dinosaur and an annoyed spouse or a particularly heightened workload, so our stress response is triggered when there’s no imminent danger. Instead of helping us to escape, this can contribute to chronic conditions like high blood pressure and headaches, as well as mental health concerns like depression and anxiety disorders. What’s more, stress can make other conditions like asthma, irritable bowel syndrome and insomnia worsen.

how stress affects the body

The good news is that just as we have a stress response, we also have an equally effective “relaxation response,” during which your breathing slows, your blood pressure decreases and you even use less oxygen. Knowing how to ‘turn on’ this relaxation response is the key to less stress and we have a few ways to help you stress-less and lead a more relaxed, happier, healthier life.

Fit-2-Work’s Less-Stress Solutions

Breath Easy – Breathing from your diaphragm oxygenates your blood, which helps you relax almost instantly. To breathe deeply, begin by putting your hand on your abdomen just below the belly button. Inhale slowly through your nose and watch your hand move out as your belly expands. Hold the breath for a few seconds, then exhale slowly. Repeat several times.

breath deep

Put it on paper – Divide a piece of paper into two parts. On the left side, list the stressors you may be able to change, and on the right, list the ones that you can’t. Writing gives us a sence of prespective, will allow us to see where our stresses are coming from and encourage us to stop worrying about those that we can’t control.

Simply Smile – Smiling is a two-way mechanism. We do it when we’re relaxed and happy, but doing it can also make us feel relaxed and happy. Smiling transmits nerve impulses from the facial muscles to the brain, pushing our neurochemical balance toward calm and happiness. 🙂


Snack Smart – Comfort eating is often associated with junk food and should be avoided to minimise health risks. Healthy foods that are high in carbohydrates however such as fruits, as opposed to unhealthy snacks like crisp or chocolate stimulate the release of serotonin; feel-good brain chemicals that help induce calm. ‘Snack Smart to reduce stress and improve health’.


Walk it off – Walking elevated the heart rate, breathing rate and improves circulation. It can be done almost anywhere but get outside if you can. If that’s not possible, you can gain many of the same benefits simply by walking to the bathroom further way from your place of work, walking to commute where possible, having a ‘walking-meeting’ with colleagues or by pacing back and forth wherever you can.

stroll in park

Phone a Friend – Don’t keep your worries bottled up. sharing your worries can give you perspective, help you feel cared for and lessen the burden

Find time for fun – Spending time doing your hobies and interests will bring change to your every day routine. Make time for friends and family doing the things that you enjoy with the people that you love.

Stress Less and Improve your Health!

The Best Exercise for Maximum Results – DEADLIFTS!

The Best Exercise for Maximum Results – DEADLIFTS!

The Deadlift sounds like the most scary of moves in the gym, but should be the foundation of all exercise programmes whether you want to lose weight, gain size, tone up or just get stronger. This exercise is the most functional of all as it requires the mechanics of a basic lifting technique which human beings have be doing for decades.

The term ‘dead’ stands for ‘dead weight’ so make sure the bar is ‘dead still’ before lifting. If done wrong serious injury can occur so its important to take the time to master this technique.


The move requires that we start in a squatting position, a basic position which we mastered as soon as we were able to walk. However over the years as a result of sedentary lifestyles, postural imbalances and lack of flexibility, or just knowing how many people struggle to perform the deadlift successfully.


What are the Benefits?

Maximum Muscles Worked – The Deadlift works more muscles than any other basic exercise, including the squat. The lift is a what is known as a ‘compound’ exercise as it engages multiple joints and muscles. If you need to do one exercise, this is the one to do. The Deadlift works your lower and upper body, including your back muscles and abdominals. So for the fastest results in the shortest amount of time…

Do your deadlifts!

deadlift anatony



Prevents Injury – Doing deadlifts can help prevent injuries by increasing the strength of your muscles around critical tendons and ligaments. Supporting joints with strong muscles is crucial to preventing injury, especially in the hips and lower back.

Improve Your Grip Strength – Deadlifts are renowned for their ability to build massive amounts of grip strength. Your fingers are literally the only things connecting you to the weight of the bar. Your forearms have to work incredibly hard as you progress in weight to keep the bar from falling out of your hands.

Increases Real Life Lifting – When you do other lifting exercises, like a bench press, for example, you’re not doing anything you might really do in real life. When are you ever going to have the need to lay on your back and push something extremely heavy into the air…?

The deadlift is a great functional exercise as it develops the muscles you need to actually pick things up correctly and carry them.

Increases Fat Burning – Numerous studies have found that lifting weights and resistance training will burn more fat than just dieting or dieting with cardio exercise alone. Compound exercises such as deadlifts in particular have proven more effective in burning more calories than traditional isolation exercises such as leg extensions, bicep curls and sit ups.

Improved Posture – Deadlifting increases your core strength and aids core stability. The movement targets all of the muscles responsible for your posture and enables you to keep your back straighter during regular daily activities.

Girls don’t be afraid to Deadlift! Deadlifts have also been proven to have many health benefits for female exercisers.

deadliftsbenefits women.


How to Deadlift Correctly?

Follow these 5 simple steps to instantly improve your existing deadlift technique.

Walk to the bar. Stand with your mid-foot under the bar. Don’t touch it with your shins yet. Hip-width stance, toes out approximately 15°.

Grab the bar. Take a narrow grip, about shoulder-width apart. Arms vertical from the front-view, hanging just outside your legs. Once you have the bar correctly aligned, its time to lift!

Bend your knees. Keep going until your shins touch the bar. Don’t move the bar, keep it ‘dead still’ with the bar over your mid-foot. Remember to keep the bar nice and close to the body, the further away it goes the heavier the lift will feel.

Lift your chest. Straighten your back. Don’t move the bar. Don’t drop your hips. Don’t squeeze your shoulders-blades. You should be in a squatting position with a slight arch in the back. Rounding the back on the initial pull or as you fatigue throughout your reps can cause serious injury.

Now stand up it with it. Take a big breath, hold it and stand up. Keep the bar against your legs. Don’t shrug, bend the elbows or lean back at the top.

deadlift tec


I feel pain every time that I see a Deadlift being performed with poor technique. Although its the best exercise for maximum benefits, its also the easiest way to sustain a serious back injury if not performed correctly.

See below for a few tips to avoid common mistake which can occur when Deadlifting.

bad deadlift

Do not round your back in any deadlifting movement. This will make your back vulnerable to injury if you do so. Concentrate on keeping the backs natural arch, brace the abdominals, keep the feet flat and the chest up and chin up. Focusing the eyes on something looking straight ahead can help.

Do not jerk the bar up your thigh. The movement should be smooth from top to bottom.

Do not tip forward or move your feet during this lift. If you do you could be risking a serious back injury. Push your feet through the floor and keep the weight as close to your centre of gravity as possible.

Do not hitch the bar. This means do not jerk the bar up and down in the middle of the movement in order to lock it out at the top.

Do not let your knees bow in and out during this lift. Lateral movement is dangerous for the knees so try to keep the knees in line with the toes throughout.

Do not go heavy at first. When I first started Deadlifting I spent months working on technique while training my lower back with other great posture-improvers such as planks, back extensions and rows. Perfect your technique before you increase the weight.

“So no matter what your goals, DO YOUR DEADLIFTS for maximum results in minimum time!”

Jd Deadlift

 By Julian  – Senior Personal Trainer at Fit-2-Work

Simple Steps to Fight Fat and Lose Weight

Simple Steps to Fight Fat and Lose Weight

Did you know that 64% of adults in the UK are overweight or obese. Research has shown that this increasing problem is caused by a contribution of both inactivity and diets high in fat.


Fats are often high in calories so you should only use them in small amounts. For the health of your heart it’s especially important to avoid saturated fats which can be easily done by making a few small and healthy changes to your diet.

There are several types of fat and choosing the right type is also important for your health.


Saturated Fats (The Fats to avoid)artery

These fats can raise the amount of cholesterol in your blood, especially the harmful cholesterol (LDL) which increases the risk of fatty deposits developing in your arteries.

This type of fat is often found in butter, hard cheese, cream and fatty meat.

Too much saturated fat can cause exessive weight gain and increase the amount of chelestrol in the blood, so these fats should be avoided wherever possible.


Trans Fats (The Fat to avoid)

trans-fatsThese fats occur naturally in small amounts in dairy foods and meat, but of which we eat are industrially produced. These fats have similar effects on the body to saturated fats and are often found in cakes, pastries and deep fried foods.

Monounsaturated Fats & Polyunsaturated Fats (The fat to have in small amounts)


These fats can help to lower your LDL cholesterol levels and are often found in olive oil as well as some nuts and seeds.

They provide essential fatty acids which are an important part of the diet, often found in oily fish, soya, nuts and seeds.



Here are our 4 top tips to reduce the amount of fat that you eat:


unhealthy-snacks1. Cut down on high fat snacks and use fruit and veg as a healthy alternative.


low_fat_dairy_body2. Chose low fat dairy products, semi-skimmed or skimmed milk.





lean-meat3. Buy lean cuts of meat and remove any visible fat or skin before cooking.


fry4. Boiling, steaming, poaching or microwaving can be a healthier alternative to frying. Use non stick trays or pans to avoid excess oil, If you do use oil measure it out your oil using a teaspoon or use spay oil as an alternative.



For more Fat-Fighting Facts, click the link below to subscribe to our weekly E-Newsletter.
